Wednesday 23 March 2011

Website analysis

In these two sections about sport I specifically used Pinner as the keyword to again associate the community with the victory, displaying them as our winners and our victory, doing so I am reinforcing the Community image I am aiming for.

By using "sandoval' font for the Title it gives a more important effect as if these top 5 stories are the top 5 you need to see on the site which is the impression I wanted to give.

According to ModoMediaGroup there is a 5 second theory, that when someone visits a website
you have around 5 seconds to convince them to stay.
By using my 5 Top Stories approach im hoping to capture peoples attention towards whats the big news in pinner and then to hopefully keep their attention with one of my story headlines.

This is an Extract from my Website, the headline for this story is "Our own Back Garden" by Callin it "Our" it is establishing a sense of community and that her victory is "our" victory, doing this it allows us to cheer her on for "our" own personal glory, this then establishes a Community.

Ideas for my Corporate Identity

These are some ideas for my corporate identity, I originally knew I was going to use the font; 'scripticali' for its pleasant look, without being over the top. I used a nice calm blue which a very relaxing colour. blue also symbolises royalty. I used simplistic shapes as borders to see how they would affect the image.
Number 1 I feel is very original and would fit on a newspaper comfortably.
Number 2 Is plain and simple and looks more old fashioned in comparison to number 1.
Number 3 Is too boring and although would suit a newspaper I want a more modern approach.
Number 4 Is modern but the circle would not fit in well on the page.
After my testing and asking some friends there opinions i have decided to use style Number 1 for its modern classy style.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Final Version of the poster

My Final version of the poster, I took AIDA into consideration; I used GT sans MT for the font for the main text to attract attention, i abandoned the idea of having the Print version poking out out the strap as I felt it looks smarter placed underneath the text. using only one colour for the Title and strap it looks very proffesional.